Thursday, March 12, 2009

genetic autoimmune disease

Alright, so I have been doing some thinking on this and alot of us ask questions when we are first diagnosed. We want to know "why" and "how" and I am sure like myself you hear the words "genetic" and you are looking through your family tree thinking to yourself again... "how" and "why" when at first glance you never see anyone that has Crohn's disease so I am going to try to translate this often asked question into an answer by useing myself as an example. It was only about a month ago I actually had a Dr put all of this into "English" for me and actually clear it all up. No, genetic does not mean that you have had a family member with Crohn's how ever yes, when you have children their chances are higher for developing this disease. Here is my personal link to Crohn's :
Great Grandmother : Rheumatoid Arthritis - autoimmune flaw
Grandmother : Rheumatoid Arthritis - autoimmune flaw
Me : Crohn's - autoimmune flaw
So there we have it, dont look for Crohn's in general, look for any autoimmune flaw. I never made this connection in the past then it hit me out of nowhere when my Dr and I were talking about my family, he calmly said "that is where your Crohn's comes from" and I sat there like someone had hit me with a brick, like DUH right? A little more to explain exactly what it is we are all suffering from. There are 2 types of autoimmune diseases out there. There are Systemic and Localized. The Systemic autoimmune diseases will basically harm anything that is in it's path and has no main point of interest, Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of these, notice how it will effect any area of the body. Localized autoimmune diseases just target one place or organ in general but they can travel outside of that area and effect other areas around it, this my friends is where we fit in with having Crohn's. For everyones convenience I have found a list of 63 autoimmune disorders that might help you on your quest of seeking answers, also this in general is a nice site and goes over alot of concepts that I have been doing alot of thinking on as of late.
Well, that is all I have on my mind for now, just wanted to share this with you and encourage everyone to do thier family research. Knowing more about your past and your family blood lines is always a good step in finding more out about yourself. Take care.


  1. Wow, it's nice to have a dr. that speaks English. I don't have Crohn's but I find it fascinating that that's what genetic actually means! You are going to help a lot with this blog and I look forward to following your story as I keep you in prayer. I'll spread the word of your blog to my friends. Keep up the good work. More will come your way who need to connect.

  2. Hey i'm 25 and also have Crohn's Disease. I have had it since i was 17. Have had quite a battle with it also. My blog is pretty much my ranting and thoughts on my overall health inc crohns but also my anxiety and worries.
    Just commenting on the 'genetic' term, my dad has ankolosing spondalitis, one of his brothers has ulcerative colitis, and another brother has ibs or something like that! I also have 2 year old twins so i do my best with the knowledge i have now to watch out for signs and symptoms. Feel free to follow me and comment/chat :)
